Address:No 1178, 5900 Rampart Street, Houston, Texas, 77081, USA
Phone:+1 (346) 492-3115
Scandinavia DMC in Cameroon
We are excited to announce our partnership with Scandinavia’s leading Destination Management Company! With their professional and friendly staff, we know you will have a great time on your vacation.
Virkauf DMC wants to grow their business in Scandinavia but not so much elsewhere? It’s true! They are one of the top destinations management companies (DMC) here and have been around for many years. But I bet you didn’t know about all these other countries where they do good work too though – like Africa generally speaking… And what better way than collaboration between two strong partners such as ourselves at Scandinavian DMCs association(CDI), who own most major properties brands etc.? We’ll help ’em out by listing some pros
We are beyond excited to announce our partnership with the leading destination management company in Scandinavia! For years, they have been providing impeccable service for all of their clients across Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Now we can help them grow into even greater heights by taking on some new business ventures down south – specifically within Cameroon where there is growing demand from tourists looking to visit Africa’s newest country: The Republic Of South Sudan And Mande buyer opportunities await you too!.
Get in Touch
Contact us by email, phone or through our web form below.
Our International Offices
Address: ul. ALEJA “SOLIDARNOSCI”, Nr 75, Lok. 26, Miejsc. WARSZAWA, Kod 00-090, Poczta WARSZAWA, Kraj POLSKA
Phone: +41 31 777 0041
Address: 68 Circular Road, #02-01, Singapore, 049422
Phone: +65 3105 1349
Address: 202, DDA Tower-II, District Centre,Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
Toll Free: 1800 11 2050
Address: 24B unit no 2107 , Iris bay building ,Business bay Dubai, UAEE-mail:
Phone:+971 52 172 0786